my pink millieu

hello! everything you'll read will be all about me.. and how i react to my surroundings.. just like to share a little bit about me. =)

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

summer 2006

my summer 2006 was a combination of all things.. a lot has happened this summer!

>> i had a great vacation spent with my family! we went to batangas, mindoro and baguio. visited some relatives and shopped at greenhills and divisoria! bought lots of stuff for me! ehehe..

>> went horseback riding in baguio for the first time.. my horse's name was HERO and he's all white.. (though he stinks a little.. hehe..)

>> picked strawberries at the strawberry farm! quite expensive cause it's P150/kilo..

>> went to the PINOY BIG BROTHER house! had pictures taken outside.. its dark lang because the teen edition hasn't started yet! =(

>> saw my mom's stepsisters and stepbrother... for the first time!

>> went on a 4-weeks duty

>> experienced being a scrub nurse at vicente sotto.. and swear i won't repeat again!

>> saw the condition of the patients and staff at a public hospital.. its just unfair! i pity both the patients and the staff.. the patients do not receive the proper care they need.. and the staff are not truly compensated for their hardwork and efforts.. tsk tsk...

>> saw dead babies at the nursery.. it's scary! and the reason that they died is due to the lack of facilities.. 3 babies sharing one incubator is not right. to think these babies need intensive care.. the philippine health care facilities are not sufficient anymore..

>> had a fling! haha.. secretly done. but the fling didn't last and i decided to stay on with the current relationship.

>> my cellphone was stolen.. (so sad..) i shouldn't have trusted anyone.. especially people you don't really know.

>> spent the rest of the summer in depression mode! =( haven't totally gotten over the loss of something valuable for me. still at the denial stage of grief..

>> wishes that in the remianing 4 days of summer vacation, something absolutely nice would happen to me. hahaha..

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