my pink millieu

hello! everything you'll read will be all about me.. and how i react to my surroundings.. just like to share a little bit about me. =)

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Now That I'm 20

I made this pledge to remind me of what i want to do and change on myself as i venture towards the 3rd deacade of my life and enter the complicated world of adulthood.

Now That I'm 20 ...

~ i will go on an ultimate laag with my friends to wherever our money can bring! someday, we'll go to rome, paris, london, and carribean cruises...

~ i will be more independent. i'll try not to rely more on my parents coz i might be moving out soon

~ i will learn how to drive. para i can join my friends sa nightlife without my parents worrying of how i'll get home.

~ i will learn a new skill.. and belly dancing sounds fun! hehe.. (am trying to enhance the body and creativity side of me)

~ i will face and conquer my fears of speaking in front of a public, spiders, taking meds specifically capsules and tablets, return demonstrations and being alone.

~ i will learn a new language. who knows a cheap chinese tutor?

~ i will ride the plane ALONE!

~ i will read more, again. just like what i used to do when i was little.

~ i will not be naive and gullible to unknown people. (unknown = those who wants to be my friends and i am unaware of who they really are.)

~ i will exercise more and love the body God gave me. i will eat only those nutritious foods. (this means that i need to reduce weight.)

~ i will be more confident of myself and try not to be shy anymore.

~ i will be more responsible of my actions.

~ i will join a civic or religious organization. for extra-co activities and community involvement. (rest assured i won't join any political rallies.)

~ i will sing in public... hehe.. i hope i can do this.

~ i will love my family more and cherish every single moment with them before they exile me to another country for work opportunities.. hehe.. (ma, joke lang yun exile part.)

~ i will show my honey how much i care about him. (coz he thinks man na i don't love u!)

~ i will be more thrifty and i will spend only on more important things. i will value each and every single peso that i have. (i hope i can increase my savings by the end of this year).

~ i will be a more dependable friend.

~ i will devote my spare time to God, pray often and read the Bible habitually. i will be like my brother and be a good Christian.

~ and lastly, i will keep this pledge and ensure that i abide by every single "WILLS".

note: i understand that i have to do this one at a time. my goal is that i have to accomplish the pledge and stand for it within the next five years.

sgd: Anne Pamela Boholst Panganiban